Capannori: a bit of history, a lot of archaelogy, a pinch of art, hills glowing at sunset, a dusting of innovation, and obviously attention to the environment.
Mix it all up, let it set and serve in generous portions. Here you have the perfect recipe for a territory of excellence.
Capannori lies at the heart of Tuscany and it is one the biggest rural municipalities of Italy. The municipality is made of forty different villages... and two smaller hamlets! What makes Capannori special is the cohesion and the sense of belonging of its inhabitants, a bond so strong that has been recently been awarded the honorific title of “city”.
Each one of the forty dwellings has its own unique characteristics, but what links them all is a strong sense of belonging to the territory and its traditions. Even more incredible are the efforts put forth to make Capannori a city of excellence. In the recent past, Capannori has put itself on the frontline of enviromental protection, so that for more than ten years it has continuously received national and international recognition for its achievements.
Many are the best practices brought forward in the field of environmental protection, such as the Zero Waste project, or the setting up of free, automatic distributors of water and detergents, but also zero waste local events and fresh milk distributors, just to name a few.
The special attention to nature goes hand in hand with the charm of the landscapes around Capannori: beautiful historical villas stand on the side of the hills, next to romanesque parish churches, peaceful corners and gardens such as the Borgo delle Camelie, archeological areas, and natural sites. The whole territory is crossed by the ancient Via Francigena, which is still the main pilgrimage route to Rome.
Wonderful landscapes, art, unforgettable cuisine, attention to the enviroment, events for adults and children: in Capannori, city of Tuscany, you will feel like home.