The Camellias Route
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The camellia has found an ideal microclimate in the characteristic villages of Pieve di Compito and Sant'Andrea di Compito.
Visitors can choose between two itineraries that lead them to the discovery of splendid camellias and historical and cultural evidences of Pieve and Sant'Andrea di Compito.
1 Historical Itinerary
This itinerary runs through the villages of Pieve and Sant'Andrea di Compito, with their ancient buildings such as the medieval tower of San Pietro in Forcore and villas in Renaissance style.
The following is the original itinerary of the ancient Procession of Saint Christopher, from the church to Capo di Vico and back.
- Church of Sant'Andrea: inside the church we find two paintings attributed to Pier Filippo Mannucci. They date back to 1600 and present camellias as decorative elements.
- Watching Tower: it is part of a signalling system that numbered 22 towers and had the function of signalling enemies and dangers to the Republic of Lucca.
- Alle Fontane (Capodivico): a still-working fountain that dates back to the end of 1800.
- Piazza del Parlamento: a little square that in the past was the heart of the commercial activities of the village.
- Villa Orsi: it dates back to 1800 and has a garden with a "spalliera" 50 metres long formed by a sequence of old and multicoloured trees.
- Villa Torregrossa: it dates back to 1700 and it has a garden enriched by various species of camellias.
- Aedicola of Madonna del Soccorso: a "marginetta" located next to the original church built between 1500 and 1600.
- Villa Borrini: the garden of this villa contains a proper wood of camellias.
- "Vicinato": it is a part of the village characterized by very ancient buildings.
- Capodivico: it is one of the most ancient parts of the village and it is flanked by the stream Visona.
- Ponte alle Corti: a bridge rebuilt in 1791 after a flood of the stream Visona.
- Villa Giovannetti: it dates back to the XVIII century and has a park with secular trees.
2 Camellias' Itinerary
Through this itinerary, visitors can admire the most extraordinary camellias that grow in the gardens and in the parks of the historical villas.
This itinerary runs from the main road of Sant'Andrea di Compito and passes through stone houses, little streets, drystone walls and ancient buildings such as the watching tower dated 1300 and other suggestive seventeenth-century villas.
It also leads to an experimental plantation of camellias and to the camellieto, where more than 200 species of camellias grow.