Pandora - Infotec

Thanks to the 'Capannori Infotec' financed by the Regional Government of Tuscany, Capannori have installed in strategic points of the territory three eco-friendly information points and tourist reception points, equipped with wi-fi and accessible to people with disabilities.
Visitors will access in real time all information related to what is to be visited and all the events and the activities organised in Capannori thanks to a dense network of tourist information, a modern, accessible and multimedia system always up to date.
The Infotec points are in Lunata, next to the post office, and in Guamo, in Via Nuova in the area of the new park.
The visitor will find small steel 'houses', protected by a special recycled material, especially designed to provide tourist information. In addition, thanks to a QR Code it will be possible to download on your smartphone everything you need to know about the historical villas, churches, parish churches and natural beauties in Capannori, but also a list of the hotels and restaurants of the area.
Both points are equipped with a bench and a table.
'Pandora Info' is in Segromigno in Monte, in a strategic area close to the monumental villas and the Tour delle ville path.
Pandora Info is an exemple of green architecture. It is made of living willows that growing up have intertwined their branches, thus sustaining themselves and blending in with the surrounding area.
The living structure, the biggest realised in Italy so far, it is made of arches of willows creating a veritable roof that changes every season. The structure is made of four spherical caps in a symmetrical disposition around the main entrance.
A first willow gallery leads to the first space of 8 m diameter and 4 m in height. Further along the corridor, a second room identical to the first one. Both spaces are symmetrically connected to other two green rooms of 6 m diameter. The willow vaults cover an area of 156 m2, not counting the entrance gallery.
The dimensions of Pandora allow for many activities: relaxing, sitting on a bench enjoying the green walls, use the installaed touch screen to gather information about the territory and its characteristics, a service provided in many languages so to facilitate tourists.
Pandora has a free wi-fi service, accessible from every smartphone, tablet or laptop.