The structures of the Minor Sacred Art: Marginette and Crosses

"Marginette" are sacred aedicules located along the streets. In the past, they were used as relief and worship stands by the wayfarers. In the territory of Capannori we find various examples of marginette and this is due the presence of many streets (Francigena and Romea) that once linked every village to Rome and were therefore travelled by pilgrims.
Most of the marginette situated in the territory of Capannori are well preserved thanks to the locals that, day after day, ornate them with flowers and plants.
Many marginette are located in the southern area of Capannori, particularly in the hamlets of Vorno, Badia di Cantignano, Sant'Andrea di Compito, Colle di Compito, San Giusto di Compito and Pieve di Compito.
- Marginetta of Villa Garbesi- Bartoli in Vorno: this marginetta is located over the entrance gate of the west side. This little bricked aedicula has a saddleroof and hosts a polycrome chalk statue of the Virgin with Child.
- Marginetta of Via della Boccaccia in Vorno: this marginetta is located on the railing of the so-called "Cock's Bridge", over the stream of Vorno. This aedicula with saddleroof is closed by an iron grid and hosts a printing of St. Zita with an angel behind her shoulder. This aedicula has recent origins: on the first of October 1893, a flood destroyed some bridges of the village of Vorno, Cock's Bridge included. Therefore, the municipality of Capannori began a work of reconstruction of the damaged bridges and of the aedicula dedicated to Saint Zita.
- Marginetta between Via del Folle Mansi and Via di Cima Vorno in Vorno: this aedicula is located at the edge of the stone wall that separates these two streets. It hosts a fresco representing the Virgin that beats the Devil prostrated at her feet with a rod. Next to the Virgin there is a little child with long hair.
- Marginetta of Via di Valle, locality Gallonzora in Vorno: this stone aedicula is closed by an iron grid and hosts a plastic statue of the greeting Virgin. It is located at the beginning of the path that leads to San Giusto di Compito and to the CAI Route 35.
- Marginetta of Via di Valle n. 78 in Vorno: this aedicula is located at the edge of a stone wall and hosts a statue of the Virgin with Child. The garments of the Virgin cover part of the child, whose head is carved against the shoulder of Our Lady. That statue is worshipped by the villagers of Vorno in the month of September. The legend says that this aedicula, along with the statue that it contains, was taken away by a flood (between the XIX and the XX century) but that the statue wedged into the bank of the stream and did not disappear into the flows.
- Marginetta of Via di Valle n.10 in Vorno: this aedicula is located in a stone wall and it is surmounted by a brick round arch. It hosts a locket that represents the Virgin with Child.
- Marginetta of the Strada Comunale of Vorno in Vorno: this aedicula is made of cement and it is closed by an iron grid. It is located into the stone wall of the house of Dorotee's Nuns. It hosts a marble shelf and a statue that represents the Madonna del Suffragio. It is surmounted by a little plastic shed.
- Marginetta of Via Nuova n.36 in Badia di Cantignano: this aedicula has a saddleroof and hosts a golden painting of the Virgin with Child.
- Marginetta of Via Capo di Vico in Sant' Andrea di Compito: this aedicula is located into the stone wall of the parish church of Saint Andrew. It has a sandstone cornice with floral patterns and it is surmounted by a cherub. It hosts a statue of the Virgin of Lourdes. Originally, this aedicula was characterized by a painting of a Vergin (there are documents about it that dates back to 1661). In 1700, after works of restoration, the fresco was replaced by the statue of the Madonna of Lourdes, dated 1900.
- Marginetta of Via della Torre n.37 in Sant'Andrea di Compito: this aedicula has a spire and it is located into the lateral pilaster of a private gate. It hosts a statue of the Virgin that looks in prayer.
- Marginetta of Via della Torre in Sant' Andrea di Compito: this parallelepiped aedicula is characterized by a basement, a central part with lateral lesene and tympanum. It hosts a statue that represents Saint Francesco with the Child.
- Marginetta of Via Nuova n. 45 in Colle di Compito: this aedicula is located at the edge of the stone wall of a house and it is surmounted by a round arch. It hosts a statue of a Virgin with a crown of stars.
- The Cross of the Holy Friday of San Giusto di Compito: this cross, located between two streets, is made of iron and has a sandstone basement. It is enriched by elements of the Crucifixion: hammer, sponge, tongs, spear, cock, Jesus' face, the INRI inscription and so on. A white Carrara marble flower and an inscription that witnesses the date of restoration (1914) are carved on the basement.
- The Cross of the Holy Friday of Vorno, locality la Gallonzora (C.A.I. path n° 35): this latin cross made of wood is interwined with a spear and a reed surmounted by a sponge. It has a sandstone basement.
- The Cross of the Holy Friday of Vorno on the Strada Comunale of Vorno: this iron cross has a stone basement and it is adornated by elements of the Passion. Two stronegraves are placed against the basement.
- The Cross of the Holy Friday of Pieve di Compito: this wrought iron cross has a brick basement with an inscription in white marble of Carrara.