Villa Orsi - Pieve di Compito
Open during "Mostra delle Antiche Camelie della Lucchesia"

The Villa and the surrounding annexes have been property of the Orsi family for just over two centuries. Recent renovations have kept unchanged the original historical structure. Today this villa is a tourist residence and a farm, with an olive grove and a vineyard all around. The terrace garden is home to many floral species, a vegetable garden, lemon trees and bamboo hedges. Lavender, rosemary and other aromatic herbs complete the garden.
In front of the main building, Camellia Japonica flowerbeds provide with delicate and colourful patterns. This is just one of the century-old camellias that can be found in Villa Orsi, where this flower was used in bushes and hedges to divide the various garden parts.
Today, the complex of the gardens of Villa Orsi host around eighty camellias. Some of those are in fact unique species, such as the deep red Violacea Superba or the 'Douard Gouillon' of 1840, with big, white flowers.

Open during the "Mostra delle Antiche Camelie della Lucchesia".