osservatorio astronomico

Astronomic observatory of Capannori (O.A.C.)



    The Astronomic observatory of Capannori (O.A.C.) is an observatory located in the village of Vorno, on Mount of the Gallonzora, in a panoramic area far away from artificial light that could interfere with the view of the sky.

    The scientific administration of the Observatory is given to the Photometric Research Institute(I.R.F.) that carry out scientific research activities in two subject areas: astronomy and the study of the environment. The observatory, in fact, is both astronomical and a st...



    For reasons tied to the delicacy of the equipments and of knowing how to use them, activities in the observatory are allowed exclusively under the direct control of the I.R.F staff.

    The observatory is accessible to:

    1. Individual citizens (informative activities);
    2. School children (didactic activities);
    3. Individual professional astronomers (research activities);
    4. Individual researchers interested in the study of the environment (research activities);
    5. Individual fans of astronomy (research activities and/or informative activities);

    Free entrance upon reservation. 
    Visits during the evenings will take place if there will be guaranteed the presence of a minimum of 3 persons to a maximum of 12.


    Reach the parish of Vorno, take via di Valle, the first on the right of the church. Follow the main road for 2 kilometres and climb the hill up to the structure.

    The Observatory is located on Mount of the Gallonzora, on its left side, 200 metres before a path and marked by specific directions.

    Citizens and school children can book their visits through:

    Hostel "Il Rio di Vorno" via del Folle Manzi, 1 55060 Vorno Capannori (LU) tel +39 0583 971081

    mob. 349 5197799 - Managers Ms Antonella Romanini and Yvonne Mori
    E-mail: info@ilriodivorno.it 
    Site: www.ilriodivorno.it;

    For the researchers, only for purposes of scientific research, you can use the following channel:

    e-mail: osservatorio.astronomico@comune.capannori.lu.it

    As far as professional astronomers , researchers and fans of astronomy are concerned, it is necessary to present a formal written request to the Scientific Directive Council of the Observatory, and to receive the confirmation of the CDS.
    Animals are not allowed inside the Observatory and smoking is forbidden.

    e-mail: osservatorio.astronomico@comune.capannori.lu.it

    Per gli astronomi professionisti, i ricercatori e gli astrofili è necessario presentare al Consiglio Direttivo Scientifico dell'Osservatorio una richiesta formale scritta, alla quale seguirà conferma dal CDS.

    Per maggiori dettagli consultare il sito www.irf.lu.it

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