Experimental tea plantation

In the village of Sant’Andrea di Compito, in Chiusa Borrini is located an experimental plantation of Camelia da Tè, started since 80’s from Camellia Sinensis seeds cultivated in the Botanical garden in the town centre of Lucca.
The experimental system (around 1000 m2) is located at the foot of Monte Pisano, near a valley bottom with a stream and a shady site, providing with high humidity level.
Nowadays it can be affirmed that this particular camellia grows optimally in this natural space.
The trial production of tea obtained from Camellia Sinensis has achieved a very positive judgement from world famous Japanese testers.

Cultural Centre of Compitese
Via Fonda 1 - Pieve di Compito (Capannori)
Tel./Fax +39 0583 977188 (dalle ore 9.00 alle 13.00)
Mobile +39 3662796749 (ore 9.00-13.00 e 14.00-17.00)
E-mail: info@camelielucchesia.it
Webste: www.camelielucchesia.it